Campaign buttons are an American tradition | Capitol Coin and Stamp, political memorabilia and precious metals

Campaign buttons are an American tradition


Jeb or Hillary? Ted or Bernie?

Want to wear your support on your lapel? We’ve got the buttons you want!

The field is getting more and more crowded. Whether Republican or Democrat; conservative or liberal, it’s getting hard to keep the candidates straight. Some of today’s big names will be gone soon. One will likely become president. What better way to remember the 2016 race than by collecting buttons from each candidate who throws his or her hat in the race?

Did you know that political campaign buttons have been around since the beginning of campaigns in this country? Even George Washington wore one. And every campaign has had them. In the 1860s, candidates started adding likenesses of themselves. In the 1890s, the first mass-produced buttons made an appearance during the campaign of William McKinley.

We’ve got today’s candidates. And many of those from decades ago. New buttons come in daily. Get them before someone else does. Some are hard to find. They’re the perfect collectible today.

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