What a find: Unusual African paper money | Capitol Coin and Stamp, political memorabilia and precious metals

What a find: Unusual African paper money

Rare Somalian notes in very fine and uncirculated condition!


This week, I purchased some rare paper money from Somalia. It’s quite a find and fairly difficult to come by. A dealer bought them in Mogadishu. I don’t remember ever having anything from this country. The notes are from the 1960s and ’70s; the dealer’s had them for a while. They are important because they’re in great condition. Some are extra fine and some are uncirculated. There’s a rare note that’s worth about $500. Usually, money from this part of the world is well circulated so it’s not in great condition. The better the conditions, the greater the value.

Anybody who collects African or even foreign paper money will find this interesting. And remember, we have paper money from around the world. If you’re looking for money from a specific country, chances are, we have it — from A to Z! Shop our web site, give us a call or stop by.

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